From 1 (unsatisfied) to 10 (satisfied) - how much are you satisfied concerning:
1) ITI employees professional level12345678910
2) Relationship with ITI employees12345678910
3) Reaction time due to information requests12345678910
4) Product development timing12345678910
5) Time between placing order and goods delivery12345678910
6) Delivery service time12345678910
7) Price12345678910
8) Product defectiveness12345678910
9) Price/quality12345678910
10) Packaging quality level12345678910
Thinking on questions from 1 to 10, indicate the one that you consider the most important—Seleziona un'opzione—12345678910
Do you buy similar products from other competitors?YesNo
If yes, the satisfaction level for our competitor isLessBiggerI don't buy products from the competitors
Which is the general satisfaction for ITI from 1 to 10?—Seleziona un'opzione—12345678910
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